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JSON-T Formatters

Formatters can be used to control the formatting of data for a given variable.

The syntax of a formatter is {variable-name|formatter-name}.



Output the variable as JSON data.

Prettified JSON


Output the variable as formatted JSON data.

Date/Time Formatters


{addedOn|date %A, %B %d}

Format a date in-line using the YUI date format.

Timesince Date


Displays the time/date in a term relative to right now. Also referred to as 'time ago' or 'twitter-style' date format.

String Formatters



Converts a human readable string variable to lowercase, removes non-word characters (alphanumerics and underscores) and converts spaces to hyphens. For example, "Test Example" would become "test-example".



Translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities (source).

URL Encode


Encodes a variable so it can be safely used in a URL. For instance, "Test Example" would become "Test%20Example".



Encodes a variable so it can be safely used in HTML, replacing the characters <, >, and & with their corresponding entities. For example, <script> would become &lt;script&gt;.

HTML Attribute

{variable|htmlattr} or {variable|htmltag}

Similar to html but additionally escapes quotes, replacing the characters <, >, &, and " with their corresponding entities, to ensure it can be used in an attribute (src="X", for instance) within an HTML tag.


{variable|truncate 250}

Limits the length of a string to the number following the formatter, and once truncated includes an ellipsis.

NOTE: should be combined with safe if truncating a string that contains HTML.



Make the variable 'safe' by stripping away unsafe HTML, such as injected script tags.

Item Count


Output the length of the items array


Make links and @names link to the appropriate places on twitter. For instance, @squarespace (the string) would become @squarespace.