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Template Configuration

The template configuration file (template.conf) contains template meta data (template name, author), defines page layouts, navigation areas, and the stylesheet loading order. All .conf files are written in the JSON format.

Example Template Configuration File (template.conf)

  "name" : "Template Name",
  "author" : "Author Name",

  "layouts" : {
    "default" : {
      "name" : "Default",
      "regions" : [ "site" ]

  "navigations" : [ {
      "title" : "Main Navigation",
      "name" : "mainNav"
  }, {
      "title" : "Secondary Navigation",
      "name" : "secondaryNav"
  } ],

  "stylesheets" : [ "global.less", "typography.less" ]

Configuration Options


The name of the template. Displayed in the Template and Developer tabs. (Required)


The author of the template. Displayed in the Template and Developer tabs. (Required)


Site layouts that consist of one or more regions. Defines the overall HTML markup. See Layouts & Regions. (Required: default layout must be defined)

layouts > name

The name of the layout option as it appears in the user-editable layout select field.

layouts > regions

List of region files to combine into layout (in the order they should be combined).

Configures the top level navigation sections visible in the Navigation section of the interface. See Menus & Navigation.

The name of the layout option as it appears in the user-editable layout select field.

The navigation ID. Used to access navigation data in navigation tags and elsewhere.


List of your stylesheet. Stylesheets will be compiled into site.css following the ordering here.

NOTE: If you add a file named reset.css to the /styles/ folder it will automatically get added to the top of the site.css file. It should not be listed in the "stylesheets" variable in template.conf.