Getting started
Using Commerce APIs
Inventory API
Orders API
POST: Create an order
POST: Fulfill an order
GET: Retrieve all orders
GET: Retrieve a specific order
Products API
About product attributes
Managing attributes
POST: Create a product
POST: Create a product variant
POST: Upload a product image
GET: Retrieve all Store Pages
GET: Retrieve all products
GET: Retrieve specific products
GET: Product image upload status
POST: Assign a product image to variant
POST: Reorder a product image
POST: Update a product
POST: Update a product variant
POST: Update a product image
DEL: Delete a product
DEL: Delete a product variant
DEL: Delete a product image
Profiles API
Transactions API
Webhook Subscriptions API
Rate limits
Squarespace Commerce APIs employ a rate limit of 300 requests per minute,
an equivalent bandwidth of five requests per second.
Requests over the rate limit receive a 429 Too Many Requests
with a cool down period of one minute.
In addition, the Create Order endpoint has a separate, stricter rate limit of 100 requests per hour, per website when an API Key is used for authentication. For clarity, this stricter rate limit does not apply when OAuth is used for authentication.
Contact Customer Care regarding rate limiting or if further assistance is needed while implementing APIs.