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Retrieve all profiles

GET https://api.squarespace.com/{api-version}/profiles/?cursor={c}&filter={f}&sortDirection={sd}&sortField={sf}

Retrieves all profiles; profiles can be filtered and sorted.

The response contains up to 50 Profiles and supports dynamic cursors for pagination. Read the Overview to learn more about Profiles.


{api-version} string

See the Profiles API Overview page for the current API version.

cursor={c} string
conditional: cannot be used with other parameters

Identifies where the next page of results should begin. {c} should be the value of pagination.nextPageCursor from a previous response. If this parameter is not present or empty, the endpoint returns up to 50 Profiles.

filter={f} string
optional; values include: isCustomer and/or hasAccount, or email
The email filter cannot be used with isCustomer or hasAccount

Semicolon separated list used to filter profile results:

isCustomer: Value must be true; false currently not supported
hasAccount: Value must be true; false currently not supported
email: Valid email address with URL-encoded characters; case insensitive

sortDirection={sd} string
optional; values include: asc or dsc

Identifies the sort direction of the result list; asc for ascending or dsc for descending.

If parameter is not specified, the returned list is in descending order by sortField or by profile id if sortField is not specified.

sortField={sf} string
optional; values include: createdOn, id, email, or lastName

Identifies the sort field of the result list:

id: Unique id of a Profile
lastName: Last name of a profile
createdOn: ISO 8601 UTC date and time when a profile was created
email: Email address of a profile

If parameter is not specified, the returned list is sorted by id.






Request example

Read the Making requests guide to learn why specific headers are necessary, and why some are omitted. Every request should also abide by Squarespace rate limits.

curl "https://api.squarespace.com/1.0/profiles?sortField=email&sortDirection=asc&filter=isCustomer,true;hasAccount,true" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_OR_OAUTH_TOKEN" \

Response example

A successful request generates a JSON response with an array of Profiles and a pagination object.

Note: For easier reference between response fields and descriptions, comments were added in the example, though this makes the JSON invalid.

  // Array of Profile resources. If the site doesn't have
  // any Profile resources available, this array is empty.
  "Profiles" : [ {
    // Unique Profile id.
    "id" : "5ede64464561317766bdc632",
    // Profile first name.
    "firstName" : "Gregory",
    // Profile last name.
    "lastName" : "Jones",
    // Profile email address.
    "email" : "gregory_jones@example.com",
    // Indicates whether the profile has an account with the website.
    "hasAccount" : false,
    // Indicates whether the profile has any commerce orders or donations with the website.
    "isCustomer" : true,
    // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the profile was created.
    "createdOn" : "2020-06-08T16:16:06.573518Z",
    // Profile’s address.
    // An approximate address for the user based on existing data;
    // it should not be used for shipping or billing purposes.
    // Field is `null` if an approximate address can't be determined.
    "address" : {
      // Address first name.
      "firstName" : "Gregory",
      // Address last name. 
      "lastName" : "Jones",
      // Address line 1.
      "address1" : "8 Clarkson Street",
      // Address line 2.
      "address2" : null,
      // Address city.
      "city" : "New York",
      // Address state or region.
      "state" : "NY",
      // Address postal code.
      "countryCode" : "US",
      // ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code string.
      "postalCode" : "10014",
      // Address phone number.
      "phone" : "5553334444"
    // Indicates whether the profile opted to receive marketing.
    "acceptsMarketing" : false,
    // Summary of profile’s commerce transactions.
    // If a profile has no commerce transactions, the object is still returned with `null` or `0` values.
    // This information is calculated asynchronously; there may be a slight delay between 
    // when an order is created, and when it's reflected in the object. 
    "transactionsSummary" : {
      // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the profile’s first order was submitted.
      "firstOrderSubmittedOn" : "2020-06-04T10:46:05.245Z",
      // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the profile’s latest order was submitted.
      "lastOrderSubmittedOn" : "2020-06-04T10:46:05.245Z",
      // Count of orders submitted.
      "orderCount" : 4,
      // Grand total of all orders.
      "totalOrderAmount" : {
        // Monetary amount with 1,000,000 limit and no markers for the dollar amount. 
        // Conforms to the selected ISO currency's precision. 
        // (E.g., JPY uses 123, but USD uses 123.00 or 123.)
        "value" : "674.00",
        // ISO 4217 currency code string.
        "currency" : "USD"
      // Total of all order refunds.
      "totalRefundAmount" : {
        // Monetary amount with 1,000,000 limit and no markers for the dollar amount. 
        // Conforms to the selected ISO currency's precision. 
        // (E.g., JPY uses 123, but USD uses 123.00 or 123.)
        "value" : "45.00",
        // ISO 4217 currency code string.
        "currency" : "USD"
      // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the profile’s first donation was submitted.
      "firstDonationSubmittedOn" : null,
      // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the profile’s latest donation was submitted.
      "lastDonationSubmittedOn" : null,
      // Count of donations submitted.
      "donationCount" : 1,
      // Grand total of all donations.
      "totalDonationAmount" : {
        // Monetary amount with 1,000,000 limit and no markers for the dollar amount. 
        // Conforms to the selected ISO currency's precision. 
        // (E.g., JPY uses 123, but USD uses 123.00 or 123.)
        "value" : "10.00",
        // ISO 4217 currency code string.
        "currency" : "USD"
  }, {
    "id" : "5fc7b8f18b4dc33dc818aeba",
    "firstName" : "Janice",
    "lastName" : "Jones",
    "email" : "janice.jones@example.com",
    "hasAccount" : false,
    "isCustomer" : false,
    "createdOn" : "2020-12-02T15:55:29.013064Z",
    "address" : null,
    "acceptsMarketing" : true,
    "transactionsSummary" : {
      "firstOrderSubmittedOn" : null,
      "lastOrderSubmittedOn" : null,
      "orderCount" : 0,
      "totalOrderAmount" : null,
      "totalRefundAmount" : null,
      "firstDonationSubmittedOn" : null,
      "lastDonationSubmittedOn" : null,
      "donationCount" : 0,
      "totalDonationAmount" : null
  } ],
  // Provides pagination details for iterating on
  // the Profiles available for the site.
  "pagination": {
    // A pre-built URL for applications to request the next page of data.
    "nextPageUrl":  "https://api.squarespace.com/1.0/profiles?cursor=ewogICJpIiA6ICIwMDAwMDAwMC01ZDhjLWVkNDUtZmQyZi02Y2M2ZjUwOGM2YzciLAogICJmIiA6ICJpZCIsCiAgInYiIDogIjAwMDAwMDAwLTVkOGMtZWQ0NS1mZDJmLTZjYzZmNTA4YzZjNyIsCiAgInMiIDogNTAsCiAgInAiIDogMywKICAibiIgOiB0cnVlCn0",
    // Cursor to use in a subsequent request; retrieves the next page of data.
    // Flag; indicates whether another page of data is available.
    "hasNextPage": true

Status codes and error conditions

200 OK

The request was successful. The message body contains data in the format specified above.



Subtype: null

  • cursor, sortDirection, sortField, or filter parameter contains an invalid value.
  • cursor parameter was specified with other request parameters.



In the filter parameter, email was specified with another filter.