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Update a product

POST https://api.squarespace.com/{api-version}/commerce/products/{id}

Updates information for a physical product.

Note: Adding or removing an image from a product or updating a product’s variants cannot be done through this endpoint. See the "Related endpoints" section to learn how to add or remove images, or update a variant.

A successful request returns the updated Product resource. Read the Overview to learn more about Products.


If needed, see the "Related endpoints" section to learn how to retrieve a resource id.

{api-version} string

See the Products API Overview page for the current API version.

{id} string

Specifies the Product to update.

Request example

Read the Making requests guide to learn why specific headers are necessary, and why some are omitted. Every request should also abide by Squarespace rate limits.

Note: The endpoint supports partial updates so any field marked as "Optional" or "Conditional" may be omitted from the request.

curl "https://api.squarespace.com/1.0/commerce/products/123" \
  -i \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_OR_OAUTH_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{'
  # Optional; string, 200 char limit. Product name.
  '"name": "Artisanal Steak Dry Rub",' \
  # Optional; string, 102,400 char limit.
  # Long-form product description represented in HTML.
  # Value must be a simple snippet, so common block and formatting elements,
  # links, and certain safe CSS properties in the `style` attribute are allowed.
  '"description": "This can be a few words or even a few paragraphs.",' \
  # Optional; string, 200 char limit. URL slug for the new product.
  # Value can only consist of alphanumeric characters and non-contiguous hyphens.
  # The slug must also be unique among the products of a Store Page (formerly Products  Page).
  # Slugs are automatically downcased for the new product.
  '"urlSlug": "artisanal-steak-dry-rub",' \
  # Optional; array of strings, 100 char limit per string and no more than 100 strings.
  # Keywords for search and organization purposes.
  # Strings are not case-sensitive, so the string "steak"
  # allows both "steak" and "Steak" to be searched on a site.
  '"tags": ["artisanal", "steak"],' \
  # Optional; boolean.
  # Indicates whether the product is available for purchase.
  # If `true`, the product is listed as ‘Visible` in the Squarespace UI’s product editor;
  # if `false` the product is marked as `Hidden`.
  # If not specified, then the new product is marked as `Hidden`.
  '"isVisible": true,' \
  # Conditional; array of case-sensitive strings,
  # 100 char limit per string with no more than six strings.
  # A `null` array is not allowed else the request fails.
  # List of attributes to distinguish variants of the product.
  # Read the guide below for request validations between this field and the product's variants.
  # https://developers.squarespace.com/commerce-apis/manage-attributes
  '"variantAttributes": ["Flavor"],' \
  # Optional; object.
  # Options for search engine optimization.
  '"seoOptions": {' \
    # Optional; string, 100 char limit.
    # Page title that appears in search results and browser tabs;
    # indexed by search engines
    '"title": "Artisanal Cooking",' \
    # Optional; string, 400 char limit.
    # Page description that appears below the title or link in search results.
    '"description": "A one-stop shop for artisanal cooking tips and products."' \
  '}' \
'}' \

Response example

A response to a successful request will contain the updated Product.

  // Unique Product id.
  "id": "5ed539b66505ca7c5f4a3a5a",
  // Product type indicator.
  // `PHYSICAL` is the only supported value at this time.
  "type": "PHYSICAL",
  // Identifier of the product's Store Page.
  "storePageId": "5d7ba084a63ee8bb410ce0b1",
  // Product name.
  "name": "Artisanal Steak Dry Rub",
  // Long-form product description represented in HTML.
  "description": "<p>This can be a few words or even a few <i>paragraphs</i>.</p>",
  // Absolute URL of the product details page.
  "url": "https://example.com/store/artisanal-steak-dry-rub",
  // URL slug for the new product.
  "urlSlug": "artisanal-steak-dry-rub",
  // Keywords for search and organization purposes.
  "tags": ["artisanal", "steak"],
  // Indicates whether the Product is available for purchase.
  "isVisible": true,
  // Options for search engine optimization.
  "seoOptions": {
    // Page title that appears in search results and browser tabs;
    // indexed by search engines.
    "title": "Artisanal Cooking",
    // Page description that appears below the title or link in search results.
    "description": "A one-stop shop for artisanal cooking tips and products."
  // List of attributes to distinguish variants of the product.
  "variantAttributes": ["Flavor"],
  // List of variants of the product.
  "variants": [{
    // Unique ProductVariant id.
    "id": "6b76dad2-a15a-4dfc-97e1-47427e12061f",
    // Merchant-defined code that identifies the product variant.
    "sku": "SQ0557856",
    // Pricing data for the variant.
    "pricing": {
      // Amount per unit charged for the variant.
      "basePrice": {
        // ISO 4217 currency code string.
        "currency": "USD",
        // Monetary amount.
        "value": "12.95"
      // Amount per unit charged when the variant is on sale.
      "salePrice": {
        // ISO 4217 currency code string.
        // If `onSale` is false; field defaults to the merchant site's currency setting.
        "currency": "USD",
        // Monetary amount.
        // If `onSale` is false, field coalesces to the lesser of this and `basePrice.value`.
        "value": "0.00"
      // Indicates whether the variant is sold according to its sale price.
      "onSale": false
    // Available stock for the variant.
    "stock": {
      // Number of units that can be purchased.
      "quantity": 10,
      // Indicates whether the variant has unlimited stock.
      "unlimited": false
    // Specifies attribute-value pairs for the variant.
    "attributes": {
      "Flavor": "Habanero"
    // Measurements of the variant when it's shipped.
    "shippingMeasurements": {
      // Weight of the variant.
      "weight": {
        // Unit of measurement.
        // Supported values: `KILOGRAM`, `POUND`.
        "unit": "POUND",
        // Weight amount.
        "value": 2.0
      // Physical dimensions of the variant.
      "dimensions": {
        // Unit of measurement.
        // Supported values: `INCH`, `CENTIMETER`.
        "unit": "INCH",
        // Length of the variant.
        "length": 7.0,
        // Width of the variant.
        "width": 5.0,
        // Height of the variant.
        "height": 5.0
    // Product image assigned to the variant.
    // See `images` for field descriptions."
    "image": {
      "id": "5ed539bc8367410cdc0c984a",
      "title": "Steak",
      "url": "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/steak.png",
      "originalSize": {
        "width": 512,
        "height": 256
      "availableFormats": ["100w", "300w", "500w"]
  // List of product images.
  "images": [{
    // Unique ProductImage id.
    "id": "5ed539bc8367410cdc0c984a",
    // Alt text for the image; impacts SEO and appears in search results.
    "altText": "Steak",
    // Absolute URL of the image hosted on Squarespace.
    "url": "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/steak.png",
    // Image size when first uploaded.
    "originalSize": {
      // Width in pixels.
      "width": 512,
      // Height in pixels.
      "height": 256
    // Available image sizes. Use with `images.url` and a `format` query parameter
    // to retrieve the image at a particular width.
    // E.g., https://static1.squarespace.com/static/steak.png?format=300w
    "availableFormats": ["100w", "300w", "500w"]
  // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the Product was created.
  "createdOn": "2020-06-01T17:24:06.048Z",
  // ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the Product was last modified.
  "modifiedOn": "2020-06-04T20:12:18.163Z"

Status codes and error conditions

200 OK

The request was successful. The message body contains data in the format specified above.



Subtype: null
The request body does not conform to the required specification.



The requested Product was not found.



The Product requested is not a physical Product.



The provided URL slug is already in use.

Related endpoints

To retrieve ids for Products, the retrieve all products endpoint is suggested, though other Products API endpoints may be used.

To modify a product’s collection of images, use the upload a product image and delete a product image endpoints.

Modify variants of a product using any of the following: