Retrieve all transactions
Retrieves all financial transactions for orders and donations.
Per order and donation, the response groups transactions into a Document
contains up to 50 Documents
ordered by their modification date (modifiedOn
and supports dynamic cursors for pagination.
Read the Overview to learn more about Documents
values from the Orders API should not be used to filterDocuments
See the Transactions API Overview page for the current API version.
Time-boxes the request to Documents
that were modified after {a-datetime}
where {a-datetime}
is an ISO 8601 UTC date and time string, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ
Time-boxes the request to Documents
that were modified before {b-datetime}
where {b-datetime}
is an ISO 8601 UTC date and time string, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ
Identifies where the next page of results should begin.
should be the value of pagination.nextPageCursor
from a previous response.
If this parameter is not present or empty, the endpoint returns up to 50 Documents
Request example
Read the Making requests guide to learn why specific headers are necessary, and why some are omitted. Every request should also abide by Squarespace rate limits.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_OR_OAUTH_TOKEN" \
Response example
A successful request generates a JSON response
with an array of Documents
and a pagination
Note: For easier reference between response fields and descriptions, comments were added in the example, though this makes the JSON invalid.
// Array of Document resources. If the merchant site doesn't have
// any payment transactions for orders or donations, this array is empty.
"documents": [
// Unique Document id.
"id": "a7e4c6b5-d1fe-4e42-a932-f185b4b86829",
// ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the `Document` was created.
"createdOn": "2019-11-18T21:20:05.354Z",
// ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the `Document` was last modified.
"modifiedOn": "2019-11-18T21:23:02.870Z",
// Customer or donor email address. May be `null` for point of sales orders
// because email wasn't collected.
"customerEmail": "",
// Unique order id; not applicable if payment transaction is a donation.
"salesOrderId": "5d71991aac180c3e7857e1df",
// Flag; indicates order cancellation.
"voided": false,
// Subtotal of all sales items for an order; "0.00" for a donation.
"totalSales": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "150.00"
// `totalSales` minus all discounts for the order; "0.00" for a donation.
"totalNetSales": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "145.00"
// Sum of all shipping charges excluding any shipping discounts
// or taxes; "0.00" for a donation.
"totalNetShipping": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "5.95"
// Total of all order sales items and shipping taxes; "0.00" for a donation.
"totalTaxes": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15.00"
// For an order, this is the sum of all charges, taxes, and discounts.
// For a donation, this is the sum of all payments.
"total": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "165.00"
// The order total minus all refunds and processing fees; "0.00" for a donation.
"totalNetPayment": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "104.50"
// Array of payment transactions for the order or donation.
"payments": [
// Unique payment id.
"id": "ece69479-50bc-4763-9067-4473f3abcf83",
// The order or donation amount covered by this payment.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "120.00"
// The portion of the original amount that's been refunded for this payment.
"refundedAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "60.00"
// `amount` minus `refundedAmount`.
"netAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "60.00"
// Payment credit card type; possible values: `VISA`, `MASTERCARD`,
// `DISCOVER`, `AMEX`, `JCB`, and `OTHER`.
// `null` if credit card processing isn't available for the payment gateway.
"creditCardType": "VISA",
// Payment gateway used for processing.
// See the Transactions API Overview page for all possible values.
"provider": "STRIPE",
// Array of refunds for the payment transaction.
"refunds": [
// Unique refund id.
"id": "cfdb6b87-64bf-461a-b48b-eca7bd2389fc",
// Refund amount.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "60.00"
// ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents refund issue date.
"refundedOn": "2019-11-18T21:22:06.500Z",
// Unique id for the refund transaction provided by the payment gateway.
"externalTransactionId": "re_1Flhp8J4wh083J8f7qYtzU9m"
// Array of processing fees associated with the payment.
"processingFees": [
// Unique processing fee id.
"id": "2Jdsno3mdk",
// Processing fee quoted in the payment's currency.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "1.00"
// Processing fee quoted in the payment gateway's currency.
"amountGatewayCurrency": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "1.00"
// Foreign exchange rate between the payment gateway's and payment's
// currencies; determined when the payment is processed.
"exchangeRate": "1.0",
// Refunded processing fee quoted in the payment's currency.
"refundedAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Refunded processing fee quoted in the payment gateway's currency.
"refundedAmountGatewayCurrency": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Processing fee minus fee refunds quoted in the payment's currency.
"netAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Processing fee minus fee refunds quoted in the payment gateway's currency.
"netAmountGatewayCurrency": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Array of processing fee refunds for the payment.
"feeRefunds": [
// Unique processing fee refund id.
"id": "c413a46c-b3e8-426d-8e0f-a4bc7a18cdd0",
// Processing fee refund quoted in the payment's currency.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Processing fee refund quoted in the payment gateway's currency.
"amountGatewayCurrency": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.50"
// Foreign exchange rate between the payment gateway's and payment's
// currencies; determined when the payment is processed.
"exchangeRate": "1.0",
// ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the processing fee refund was issued.
"refundedOn": "2019-11-18T21:22:06.500Z",
// Unique id for the processing fee refund transaction provided by the payment gateway.
"externalTransactionId": "3fjowGck2f"
// Unique id for a Squarespace gift card. Value is `null` if a gift card was not used.
"giftCardId": null,
// ISO 8601 UTC date and time string; represents when the payment was made.
"paidOn": "2019-09-05T23:24:09.845Z",
// Unique id for the payment transaction provided by the payment gateway.
"externalTransactionId": "ch_1FFCJCLMG4qggZ0BzchTZjwR",
// Array of properties for the payment transaction provided by the payment gateway.
// Properties are listed in key/value pairs.
"externalTransactionProperties": [],
// Unique customer id for the payment transaction provided by the payment gateway.
// Value is `null` if not available.
"externalCustomerId": null
// Array of sales items for an order payment transaction; empty for donations.
"salesLineItems": [
// Unique id for the sales item.
"id": "d93f9637-fba6-4e8b-a1f3-24008f60c774",
// Discount applied to the sales item.
"discountAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "5.00"
// Sales item quantity multiplied by its unit price.
"totalSales": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "150.00"
// `totalSales` minus `discountAmount`.
"totalNetSales": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "145.00"
// Sum of `totalNetSales` and `taxes`.
"total": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "160.00"
// Array of taxes for the sale item.
"taxes": [
// Tax amount.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "15.00"
// Tax rate as a percent. For example, a value of `7.00` is a 7% tax.
"rate": "10.00",
// Tax classification as defined by the Squarespace merchant.
"name": "Local Sales Tax",
// Tax jurisdiction in `COUNTRY:{value},STATE:{value},LOCAL:{value}` format.
"jurisdiction": "COUNTRY:US,STATE:NY,LOCAL:10001"
// Array of discounts for an order payment transaction; empty for donations.
"discounts": [
// Discount description.
"description": "Discount description",
// Discount name.
"name": "Sales Discount",
// Discount amount.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "5.00"
// Array of shipping line items.
"shippingLineItems": [
// Unique id for the shipping line item.
"id": "bd63d55e-0066-400e-9aa9-e75d4e6215b0",
// Shipping cost.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "5.95"
// Discount applied to this shipping line item.
"discountAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.00"
// `amount` minus `discountAmount`.
"netAmount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "5.95"
// Description of the shipping line item as defined by the Squarespace merchant.
"description": "USPS Flat Rate",
// Array of taxes for the shipping line item.
"taxes": [
// Tax amount.
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": "0.00"
// Tax rate as a percent. For example, a value of `7.00` is a 7% tax.
"rate": "0.00",
// Shipping tax name.
"name": "Shipping Tax",
// Shipping tax description.
"description": "Shipping Tax Description"
// Captures errors from the payment gateway; value is `null` if not applicable.
// See the Transactions API Overview page for other possible values.
"paymentGatewayError": null
// Provides pagination details for iterating on
// payment transactions made through the merchant site.
"pagination": {
// Flag; indicates whether another page of data is available.
"hasNextPage": true,
// Cursor to use in a subsequent request; retrieves the next page of data.
"nextPageCursor": "IjUxYTQxYjM3LWQzNzUtNDAxYi1hMWJiLTc",
// A pre-built URL for applications to request the next page of data.
"nextPageUrl": ""
Status codes and error conditions
200 OK
The request was successful. The message body contains data in the format specified above.
Subtype: null
- The
parameter contains an invalid value. modifiedAfter
was specified without the other parameter.modifiedAfter
is not a valid ISO 8601 UTC date and time string.modifiedBefore
is not a valid ISO 8601 UTC date and time string.modifiedBefore
occurred before or at the same time asmodifiedAfter